While I know that it is a very popular trend for the past couple years to go throw a retro filter on your Insta pics and send it out to get that old vibe. I promise that’s not why I do it. since I can remember film cameras have always fascinated me. With the blown out colors and the overall natural feel, the pictures just came out feeling Raw. I like the nostalgic feeling you get when you look back over those pictures, nothing but good vibes. When I got my first “professional camera” back in 2015 my editing style was to make all colors pop and trying to make it as eye catching as possible. That was until one day I stumbled upon a film camera in Good Trill (goodwill). I immediately popped in a roll of film and got to shooting. Everything was great until I realized it isn’t the 90s and getting filmed developed isn’t very convenient. This is where things changed.
I fell in love with the look of film and ever since then its been a journey to try to find the best techniques to edit my photos and make them look as retro as possible. I know I can download about half a million “retro cam” apps in the App Store but if you ever have a chance, look at a real film picture and compare it to a picture from those apps. Can you tell the difference? Maybe you can maybe you can’t. It took me years to figure out what the real difference is, it’s simply Nostalgia. After I realized this it became a lot easier to get that certain look I was going for. I know what it takes to get that feeling across in a picture. This is also another reason why Love photography in the first place. it makes sense why everyone and their grandma is a photographer now a days. It’s not hard to get into, and once you’re in you can decide how far you want to go. You can just take pics of your cats or you can go on a wild goose chase to find a certain look. Either way its going to be a good time!
Have a great day and ill show you guys a couple more of my favorite retro pics, enjoy!