The white t-shirt is definitely my favorite shirt of all time. Even though it’s only a white shirt, it should be an absolute fashion essential in anyones wardrobe. Let me explain why!
Reason one is that it goes with anything. It could be something that you either wear underneath a jacket or you wear as a stand alone shirt. It just works.
Reason two is its simple. Let’s face it, you aren’t going to win any fashion shows with a white shirt. But that’s not always the point. The point is that you can wear it for almost any occasion and still look great!
Hanging with friends? plain old white t-shirt!
Going to lunch? White t-shirt!
Business casual event? White t-shirt with a blazer on-top!
You get the point but I don’t think I can stress enough how versatile it can be. One key that I have found is that the shirt needs to be fresh and well fitted. I always go for this simple pack on amazon and it never fails! Check it out here