The Universal Fashion Piece

There is one fashion piece that is an absolute necessity for everyone. It’s the one thing that every outfit needs and if you don’t have it, I don’t care how cool the outfit is, its not going to work! What is this magical piece of fashion that I’m talking about? It’s simply confidence.

If you are confident in what you put on this morning, whether its pink crocs or a fanny pack, you can make it work. Wear it loud and proud and you will be amazed how many people will give you compliments! Now what are you supposed to do if you think you don’t have enough confidence to pull something off? Fake it until you make it!

Confidence isn’t something that you are born with, while some people naturally have confidence it’s something that can be practiced. It’s a skill, not something you either have or don’t have. Wear whatever you want and I’m telling you, act like its the coolest thing ever and people will listen! I hope this gives you a boost in the right direction to start wearing whatever you want. If you find an out there outfit, take a picture and tag #therawscene I want to see what you guys got. As always thanks for reading and have a great day!