Any photo that’s taken is art. But I believe that in order to stand out amongst all the other people that have a camera in their pocket you need to find your artistic edge. What I mean by this is creating your own style, a specific niche that people can follow. There are a couple of ways to do this so I’ll break it down in this post and explain how it will help!
First, it starts with simply snapping the picture. Something as simple as taking the picture with a weird looking angle can make a picture stand out. The framing of your subject, whether it’s a landscape shot or portrait is absolutely one of the most important things in photography. If you practice and study framing, you can improve your photography and give yourself that edge very fast.
This next is going to seem obvious, it’s simply editing. There is no better way to make your pictures stand out than with good editing. It seems obvious but I see to many people make the same mistakes by completely copying someone else’s style! Now there’s nothing wrong with trying to mimic someone’s style because thats how you can learn fast but if your goal is to stand out then you can probably guess why this doesn’t work well! Editing is fun and it’s the step where you can create a color theme for your photography. When someone’s looking for a photographer and they see your unique style, and learn that you’re an expert with that style, they will call you to set up a shoot. It’s as easy as that.
These two tips can go a long way. It took me a long time to figure out that creating my own style is way more fun than chasing down someone else’s style. Of course you can do whatever you want and whatever makes you happy, this is a common thing I say in my posts for a reason. Photography is supposed to be fun and as long as your out there taking pics then I’m happy! Let me know if these tips helped or if you have a good tip for standing out below. Thanks for reading and as always, have a great day!’