We are back and better than ever! I’m not sure about you guys but this whole virus has made life dull. Everyday I couldn’t wait to get back out and start taking pictures or doing simple things like going to the beach with friends. Like many of you my life revolves around being outside, I can’t stand being inside! Now that things are starting to look better I’ve had a chance to think about the positives that came out of quarentine. While it wasn’t all rainbows and butterflies, it was up to me to make the best out of a not so great situation.
First and foremost the amount of extra time I’ve had has been incredible. I had to learn to fill the time that I would normally spend outside with activities that I wish I had more time for. Things such as learning new skills, focusing on self improvment and practicing lost talents! I hope you guys had a chance to do something that you’ve been wanting to do for a while but never had enough time. If you haven’t, there’s no better time then right now!
Where is the raw scene headed?
The Raw Scene Is full steam ahead and we are ready to get the party started. Some things to look out for in the near future will be new products in the raw mall! That’s right, keep an eye out because we are excited to have this new line in our store. Other things to look out for are daily posts bringing you guys the most unique fashion around, daily updates on the website. And as always. The best pics around!
I hope you guys are staying positive throughout the tough times and if you have some time, try something new!