Stepping Out Of Your Comfort Zone

The other day I was having a conversation with one of my old friends from high school. We were talking about our fashion style while we were still in school and she said she never had her own style because she was scared of what other people thought or said. My friend told me that it wasn’t until she realized that deep down she didn’t even like the people she wanted to like her. That changed her whole mindset and now she has amazing style.

This, I believe, is a great lesson for a a lot of people. Life is simply too short to care about what other people think of your clothes. Plain and simple, wear what you want and if it makes you feel good, then so be it! Go wear those sparkly shoes or that shirt that you think is too short and watch how many compliments you get.

I’ve seen advice online that tells you to only buy stuff that’s close to what you already have so you don’t waste money on something you only wear once. I completely disagree and think it’s a very good thing to branch out and try new things. I do this often and sometimes there are pieces of clothing that I don’t wear twice but you know what I do with it. Trade it with a friend or sell it! There are no downsides to opening your mind to trying new fashion and the people that are going to say bad stuff just wish they were wearing it. I hope this gave you a boost of confidence and as always I hope you have a great day!